Black Magic Symptoms In Hindi

Black Magic Symptoms In Hindi

At this time of Kalyug, we all are scared of evil energies and a lot of us want to get protection from all these dark magic or Black Magic. So to protect ourselves we must understand the Black magic symptoms in Hindi. We hope that you all are safe at your homes or your workspace. For further care, we are here with this special blog to discuss black magic and its symptoms. 

Firstly do you believe in Black magic or anything related to this? Have you seen the effects of black magic? Do you experience black magic in your life? Is there anyone around you who has the symptoms of black magic? If yes, then you know and understand that black magic is very harmful or has a severe effect on any person. 

To all my dear children of God who are here to seek help and answers to various queries, do not worry. The great astrologer Pardhum Swami has great experience and helped various people from black magic and protect them. He will also help you with the guidance of god and his knowledge.

Black Magic Problems

In this time of hate and jealousy, we have heard a lot of black magic activities that people do and sometimes we have seen that with our naked eyes. Black magic is becoming popular day by day which makes it more powerful. As people hear and learn about black magic they start practising or get someone to do this only for greed, happiness and jealousy. 

We must understand that black magic is a harmful practice and strictly prohibited by all religions and not suggested to indulge in it. Black magic will not only harm the other person but it can also affect you. So you must not think of getting help in black magic or take the help of black magic in anything of your life. 

Black magic symptoms in Hindi show you the truth of black magic and make you aware of its harmful impact. One more thing that you should know is using black magic is against the will of God and going against him can be our biggest mistake.

Who can be Easily Affected by Black Magic?

Not every person easily gets caught in black magic or dark magic. Some people can easily get affected by the evil powers. You will be going to understand that those who can get affected by black magic very easily are as follows:

  • Weak horoscope: Those people who have weak horoscopes are easily affected. They easily fall prey to black magic or other negative energies like evil eye and others. These people have some weak stars which makes them weak against the negative and evil powers. Some of the people with Rashi like Kark and Makar have a high chance of getting affected by black magic.
  • Atheists: Other people who are atheists who do not believe in god and also don’t practice any holy or religious activity. These people are far from god and can be easily attacked by black magic. Indulging yourself or being a part of God’s prayer and being thankful to him can protect you from various things without even knowing.

Symptoms of Black Magic in Hindi

There are various symptoms seen and studied by great astrologers which have been done by different people during the effect of black magic. Various people who reached us and experienced black magic symptoms in Hindi are as follows:

  • The people who have been affected have nightmares and vivid dreams like falling and getting killed. They also get disruption in their sleep cycle and have restless nights.
  • Black magic also hits people on their physical and mental health. Worsening health without any scientific reason is one of its impacts. 
  • Facing financial losses, incidents happening that are risking your life and increasing bad luck are the symptoms of black magic on you.
  • Life changes which breaks you and your relationship without any reason. Like everything is uncontrolled by you and getting away from you. Black magic takes your loved ones away to weaken you.
  • Instability in life, unhappiness and destructive and harmful thoughts of killing yourself. These are all the symptoms of black magic around you and its impact on you.

How to protect from black magic?

If you wanted to protect yourself from black magic or anything like that which is harmful to you. For this, you must take care of some things and follow some steps that will protect you. This will give you a shield against dark and evil energies. Firstly you must not do anything that can harm others means always following the path of god and not getting distracted. For this regular visit to a holy place any pray. 

Praying regularly is the most powerful thing that will help you. Secondly, you must be careful while walking on the road not step or get over the things that are used in black magic. Things like red cloth, any doll or lemons and chillies are a few of the things. So be aware of these things.

Thirdly, have a strong heart and mind and do not get scared of any evil things because people with weak hearts are easily controlled by dark energies. Do not become a weak person which makes you easily targeted and have a high chances of black magic problem.


Black magic is very dangerous that it cannot be described but it can make your body shiver if you see someone or hear anything related to black magic. If we describe black magic symptoms in Hindi with an example then it affects like a fish taken out of water feels suffocated, dying and having no control. In this situation, we don’t understand and have no cure for this.

By understanding the symptoms you can understand this and contact an astrologer because he is the only one who can help you. Pardhum Swami has seen various things like this and knows very well how to cure this. He has helped and given new life to a lot of people who are controlled with black magic.

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Frequently Asked Question

Q.1 What does black magic do?

Ans. Black Magic can harm a person in various ways. Black magic can harm your body, it can also control your mind and body. It also manipulates you and makes you do anything against your will. You must protect yourself from black magic and its harmful effects.

Q.2 What powers does dark magic have?

Ans. Black magic is wholely consists of negative and dark energies which work to harm someone or affect someone. Dark magic is another name given to black magic because of its evil powers. Dark magic has the power to hurt, control and kill someone with the use of negative energies.

Q.3 What can be a shield from black magic?

Ans. You can protect yourself from black magic by regularly praying to god and chanting various mantras of god either it’s Hanuman Chalisa or another. You can also consult an astrologer and get something to wear that protects you from black magic and any evil powers.

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