how get my ex back

Welcome everyone to to get your answers along with the solutions to your problems. When we think about our ex, we wonder various things and a lot of questions arise in our minds. Sometimes your question is how to get my ex back, but you also have doubts about whether you should get back to your ex. Our problem doesn’t end here; all of you also want to know whether you should get back with your ex. If so, then how do you get your ex back after no contact?

All these questions are bothering you and creating chaos in your heart and mind. These questions are very controversial, as your heart wants your previous love back but your mind remains in doubt. We understand your point, and that is why we are here to help you. We have all your answers here and will also assist you with the solution of (get my ex back).

In this blog, you will understand whether you want your previous love back or not. If you do want your ex back, then how can it be possible with our help? You will learn a lot of things that will take you closer to your ex. Astrologer Pardhum Swami will help you throughout the process and bring you closer to your ex.

Why Would I Get Back with My Ex?

Now, it is time to get your answer about why you have to get back your former love. There can be various reasons for you to (get my ex back). Many people have been contemplating whether they should get back to their ex, but then their question of why makes them ponder it. Returning to your previous love can be a significant and potentially life-changing decision for everyone, so you must think carefully before taking any step.

One of the most valid reasons, or we can say the most prominent one, is that you love your ex and you can’t forget him/her, or you want them back in your life. Love can make us do the most unbelievable things because this is love. There is no reason or explanation when we love someone; we love them, and we want them in our lives.

Another reason to get back with your ex would be familiarity or feeling safer around them. Sometimes, some people in our lives make us feel familiar or safe, and we feel that connection with a few. This can lead you to get back with your ex. Unfinished conversations and missing your ex can be some of the other reasons and answers for why you would get back with your ex.

Tips to Get Your Previous Love Back

If you want the answer to How can I get my ex back? Then we have some advice that can help you in getting your ex in your life.

  • Talk to your ex: Once you decide to get back with your ex and want him/her back in your life, the first step is to talk with them. Start talking and understand the reasons for your ex leaving you. By talking, various things can be improved in your relationship.
  • Give some time: Don’t hurry in taking any decision, and also do not force your ex to come back soon. Both of you must give time to each other to think clearly and decide what you want in your life and with whom you want to spend your life.
  • Plan a date: Go on a date with your ex where you talk and have time for each other; no one else will be there except you and your ex. Spend some quality time together and share some old memories that can bring you closer again.
  • Express your feelings: Explain to your ex how you feel about them, that you still love them, and that you want them back. Don’t say too much, but just share your feelings so that he/she will know about your love for them. 

Avoid these Mistakes in Getting Your Ex Back?

  • When you want to get your ex back (get my ex back), you will do a lot of things to get them back in your life. In that hurry, you will fall into some mistakes that should be avoided if you want them back. So here are some of the most common mistakes that you must avoid:
  • If your ex wants to stay apart from you, then you must remain consistent with your efforts to get them back but don’t force or irritate them.
  • Making it clear to your ex that you want him/her back in your life will make it more difficult to get them back in your life.
  • Do not freak out if your ex is dating someone else, as this shows how insecure you are and how much it affects you.
  • Showering them with affection: give them space.
  • If they want to walk over you by being polite and nice, don’t accept everything they say. Don’t let them treat you like a doormat.
  • Don’t beg your ex to stay in your life; put effort into making them stay. Stopping them with pity and begging must not be done.
  • Don’t call and text your ex all the time. This shows how impatient and eager you are to talk with them. Consistent texting will also irritate them.

How we Help you Get Your Ex Back?

As you all know we are here to help you in times of difficulty in your life. Pardhum Swami is known as an astrologer because he has learned astrology and has experience in helping people with various things. Those people who wanted the answer of (get my ex back) and need the solution we have helping in the past few years. Still helping to get their ex back in their life.

We will perform puja read your horoscope and then find out about your ex-love back or not in your life. With puja and some mantras, will get your ex back into your life. You must follow our guidance and perform various steps.


We understand that loving your ex and wanting them back in your life is very difficult for you and not only you, it is also difficult for your ex. But you must not lose hope because god has sent us to help you. With some puja and mantras, we assure you that you will get your ex back in your life. Have patience and trust in god that he knows what is good for you and also what is the right time. We will help you and you will get your ex back permanently.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What are the signs you are wasting your time trying to get your ex back?

Ans. Some signs can show if your ex wants to come back into your life or not. If your former love has moved on and has no feelings for you anymore then you must not try to get your ex back. Also if they don’t want you back in their life. Don’t put effort and time into their love back.

Q.2 How to get your ex back fast by text message?

Ans.  If you want to get your former love back by texting them you must make them feel that you love them by texting them. You must express your feelings in the text and let them out.

Q.3 How to get your ex-boyfriend back even if it seems impossible?

Ans. If it is seen as impossible for you to get your former-boyfriend back in your life. We will help you with puja and some astrology practices which will make it possible.

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